Current Financial Needs
(Donation Processing at Bottom)
Engage Free Clinic is a %100 volunteer service organization. We want resources concentrated on patient care as much as possible. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. That has allowed us to provide over $750,000.00 worth of medical services and over 5,000 prescriptions for free since 2019 at an average cost, to us, of around $18-25 per patient, per month for a provider visit, labs and prescriptions!
The pandemic severely damaged the rural free clinic system in Oklahoma as well as the nation. In response, we have developed a new, digital based, clinic model, specifically designed for rural free clinics. We are currently implementing this model in our own area. So it's important to have a secure footing financially for this next year. Our expansion will include buying some technology and paying our normal medical expenses (lab costs, medicine costs, medical supplies) Our goal is $20,000 to open 5 working clinics with working telemedicine. Two are already up and running!
We will then use this new regional model to show other regions how to either create their own regional model or rebuild if they already have a free clinic open.
We're also in the process of building a central pharmacy to supply free clinics in Oklahoma City. We have a tentative building located with a pharmacy structure already in place. (closed free clinic) Opening it back up means we can not only supply small and rural free clinics, eliminating one of their biggest costs, but we can also do mail order to isolated rural patients enabling rural areas without pharmacy services to offer medicine to their free clinic patients. We're %50 of the way there! But it is a great reason to give.
We know our supporters like how a $25 donation can change a life in our clinic and keep working people providing for their own families. Hospitals like how we keep uninsured people healthier and out of Emergency rooms, which costs everyone. You are part of a group who change lives, keep uninsured people working, so they can be in turn be a blessing! This year, we are changing the state of free health care everywhere with our work. It's a chance for your donation to do something big!
We have a secure financial transaction system for your debit card, credit card or paypal account (you don't have to have a paypal acct) We thank you for helping us change the lives of people!
If you prefer to use US Mail to send us support, our mailing address is
Engage Free Medical Clinic
c/o Aydelotte Baptist Church
SHAWNEE OK 74804-7510